Title IX prohibits federally funded educational institutions from discriminating based on sex. It requires schools to investigate allegations of sexual harassment and sexual violence. If the allegations are substantiated, schools can discipline the student. Usually, this involves placing them on probation, suspension, or expulsion. 

There are currently 35 open Title IX sex discrimination cases in Indiana schools. You are probably feeling stressed if someone has made a Title IX allegation against you. Perhaps you are worried about getting kicked out of school or that these allegations will follow you for the rest of your life. 

Fortunately, there are ways to cope with the stress of Title IX allegations while you anticipate the result of the investigation.

Hire a Lawyer To Represent You

One of the best ways to cope with allegations is to hire an Indianapolis Title IX lawyer. A lawyer can help you with the investigation, represent you at disciplinary hearings, and negotiate with your school. 

Furthermore, depending on the specifics of the allegation, you may also face criminal charges for sex crimes. In Indianapolis, rape is a felony that can carry up to 16 years in prison. Even lesser felonies, like sexual battery (or sexual assault), can carry up to 30 months in prison. Criminal charges are even more serious than a Title IX allegation.

If you hire a criminal defense lawyer early on in your Title IX case, they can begin to fight back against your allegations. They can also advise you on how to speak with the school during the investigation so that you don’t say anything potentially incriminating. By hiring a lawyer, you will put yourself in the best position possible for a favorable outcome.

Seek Mental Health Treatment 

If you’ve been accused of sexual misconduct, you almost certainly need to seek mental health treatment. Title IX allegations are incredibly stressful for both students and parents. Whether or not the allegation is true, you may want to seek therapy to process what has happened.

Mental health providers can keep everything in perspective. It’s easy to feel like your world is ending. The truth is that you can, and will, get through this. A mental health provider can help you focus on the positives and maintain your health throughout the entire process.

Learn About the Title IX Process 

Part of the reason Title IX allegations are so stressful is that you may not know what to expect. By learning about the process, you can be mentally prepared and avoid unexpected surprises.

The Title IX process varies from school to school. Your school should have a formal policy that clearly outlines the complaint process. 

In general, the process goes something like this:

  • A formal complaint is signed by the complaining party 
  • The responding party is given notice of the Title IX complaint
  • A Title IX investigator interviews both parties and collects evidence
  • The Title IX investigator writes a report with all of the evidence and submits it to the Title IX Coordinator 
  • The report and evidence are given to both parties to prepare for the hearing
  • There is a hearing where both parties, or their advocates, can question each other and witnesses
  • The hearing officer makes a decision based on the evidence at the hearing
  • If the hearing officer determines the responding party is responsible, they will decide on sanctions
  • The responding party can appeal the finding and/or sanctions 

Even though the process is pretty straightforward, it can take anywhere from a few months to a year to complete.

Make Strategic Decisions, Not Emotional Ones

The stress of Title IX allegations can make you act emotionally. At times you might want to send angry emails, talk to your friends about it, or try to convince the complaining party to withdraw the complaint. 

All of these are emotional decisions that can seriously hurt your case. You should stop and think strategically before taking any action. A lawyer or trusted person can help you decide whether or not you are making a strategic decision. 

Contact the Indianapolis Title IX Attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers For Help Today

For more information, contact the Title IX attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers give us a call today at (317) 759-2599 or visit us at our Indianapolis law office.

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