Sex Crimes

Does Indiana Have Romeo and Juliet Laws?

Romeo and Juliet laws are provisions that exist in various jurisdictions, including Indiana, to prevent young couples from facing severe penalties related to statutory rape charges when they participate in consensual sexual relationships. These laws typically provide a legal shield for individuals close in age, recognizing that relationships among teenagers are often consensual and not… read more

Online Prostitute Sting Operations

Criminal defense lawyers have seen an increase in the number of cases involving online prostitution sting operations. These operations, conducted by law enforcement agencies across the country, aim to catch individuals who seek to buy sex from prostitutes using popular online platforms such as Craigslist. The way these operations typically work is that undercover officers… read more

How To Prove Innocence When Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault in Indianapolis

Being falsely accused of a crime is one of the most difficult and stressful experiences an individual can face. In addition to the legal ramifications, it can have serious and long-lasting consequences for your reputation and relationships.  The best way to protect yourself from false accusations of sexual assault is to understand what you need… read more

Statutory Rape Charges and Defenses in Indiana

The age of consent for sexual acts in Indiana is 16 years. Therefore, it is illegal for an adult to have sexual intercourse or engage in any sexual activity with a child under the age of 16 years. It does not matter whether or not the minor consented to the sexual activity or not. What… read more

Age of Consent Laws in Indiana

The age of consent here in Indiana is 16. That means that if you’re 18 or older, you can get into serious legal trouble if you’re accused of having sexual contact with someone younger than 16. What Does Indiana Law Say About Sexual Conduct with a Minor? In the eyes of the law in the… read more